From 1963 your partner in synthetic waterproofing solutions

Flag Spa is SOPREMA GROUP in the field of synthetic product is the excellence in terms of manufacturing, innovation, and easy setting.

Flag Spa has been active for more than 50 years in the field of synthetic waterproof membrane. Thanks to its highly qualified know-how it became a relevant partner in the outmost works of roofing, civil engineering, swimming pools, all over the world.

The Flag Spa is single-layer waterproofing roofing membranes are fit for any kind of substrate and any kind of slopes.

The application methods may differ:

  • Ballasted with mechanical fastening.
    Flat or sloping roofing made of traditionally cast or pre-cast floors in concrete or with profiled metal, terraces, sheds, etc, where the waterproof system is mechanically fastened to the substrate to prevent the wind from lifting or moving it.
    Two different mechanical fixing systems are possible: fixing by washers and screws or linear fixing with a bar.
  • Total adherence by gluing.
    Flat or sloping roofing composed by traditionally casted or prefab ceilings in concrete, terraces, sheds, etc, where the waterproof system or even the waterproof membrane is glued to the support to prevent the wind action to lift or move it.
    The waterproof membrane should furthermore resist the weather aggression (rain, snow, hail, UV rays, etc.) and may be moderately accessible to pedestrian traffic for maintenance operations (see chart)
    It may be fixed with squeegee or roller along the whole surface with a fit layer of glue.
  • Ballasted independent membrane.
    Flat or sloping roofing made of traditionally cast or pre-cast floors in concrete or with profiled metal, terraces, sheds, etc, where the waterproof system is mechanically fastened to the substrate to prevent the wind from lifting or moving it
    The waterproof membrane should furthermore resist weather aggression (rain, snow, hail, UV rays, etc.) and may be moderately accessible to pedestrian traffic for maintenance operations.
    Two different mechanical fixing systems are possible: fixing by washers and screws or linear fixing with a bar.

  • Excellent welding capacity

  • Flexibility at low temperatures

  • Good reaction to fire

  • High mechanical resistance

  • High resistance to aging and atmosphere aggression

  • Resistance to static and dynamic punching

  • Resistance to UV rays

  • Resistant to roots and microorganisms


  • Adigeo shopping center - Verona - ItalyAdigeo shopping center – Verona – Italy